Brain Frust



A small interpeter and compiler for the Brainfuck (BF) programming language written in Rust.

During a hackathon at my job Brølstærk we had a small challange to write a simple "Add two numbers" program in BF. After that I had the idea to test how good Rust is at writing langauge parsers and interpeters. It turns out it was a lot simpler than I expected, so I also made it a compiler, a BF to Rust compiler. It turns out that if you compile a BF ot Rust in the most simple way you can, the programs are still pretty fast because Rust optimises so much. The project started just being a small CLI program, but I also ported it to WebAssembly (WASM). It was a great experience and fun to remember some of these techniques I had not really used since my UNI days.
