Sidereal Confluence App


Sidereal Confluence board game helper app, written in Angular.

Keeping up with the Angular

Back when Angular first came out I tried using it, and it was fine, but then I found React and it just spoke to me a lot more. But I know that it Angular is very popular and very used, so it can be good to revisit something you initially dismissed. I wanted to make a small helper app for the boardgame Sidereal Confluence, there is a bit of setup in that game, and you have to keep track of the round number and you need a timer, I thought it was a small enough app to test out the state of Angular.

Observables are interesting

One thing that I think I like is the concept of Observabe, just subscribe and you will get new data. This is a lot of what happens in the web world, we render data. When that data changes we need to render again. What I don't know is how hard this is to track, I have a feeling this could end up leading to a "why did it change now?" or a "why didn't it update" moment.

I still prefer other frameworks

Look, Angular is fine, if I am forced to use it I will gladly do that, it is the worst of the best for me, that doesn't make it bad. But for me, I will still try to use something else. Angular still is opinionated about a lot of things, and has a lot of things out of the box, I just still feel like i spend most of the time debuggin why my angular code does not work, rather than writing the code.
